Turnkey Radio
The complete Radio Studio
The Turnkey Radio Studio is the comprehensive digital studio setup design by AxelTech that integrates all the essential equipment for a Radio Station, offering broadcast quality, latest digital technologies and complete functionality.The Turnkey Radio Studio is the best investment for the Broadcaster that wants to start o renew his radio station.Is a plug and play solution, customizable for any radio station (FM, WEB, etc.), perfectly integrated into a compact technical furniture, pre-assembled, wired and granted by AxelTech.

Broadcast Quality

Plug & Play

Integration, Assistance & Support
LITE EXA Radio studio
The LITE EXA Radio Studio delivers broadcasters a complete “plug and play” solution ready to go On Air.It’s a complete ON AIR STUDIO, where any single component has been selected to offer the best functionality/price ratio, according to the following fundamental point:
- Complete Digital Solution
- Customizable
- Cost effective budge
- Easy of use
- Easy maintenance
- Scalabie
The solution is suitable for:
- FM, AM, Satellite and WEB radio station
- Community radios
- P.A. (Public Addressing)
The solution is suitable for:
- Automatic and/or manual playout
- Live programs with speakers (talk show)
- Radio with Control Room and studio (speaker booth)
- Radio with technician and speaker sharing the same room
On Air & Production Configurations
Some of our standard setups for On Air and Production studio.Combine setups to design Radio Station with multiple studios.Each solution can be customize in every single detail and component.
On Air studio with SOUNDTRACK automation and 1 presenter

On Air studio with SOUNDTRACK automation and 2 presenters

Editing studio

On Air studio with DJPRO CLASSIC automation and 1 presenter

On Air studio with DJPRO CLASSIC automation and 2 presenters

Production studio with DJPRO

Broadcast Equipment
- Elegant Mic Arms
- FM Tuner - MP3/CD/SD Player
- Led Studio Light
- Dynamic Microphone
- Condenser Microphone
- Closed Superaural Stereo Headphones
- Nearfield Audio Monitors
Broadcast Integration
- 24/7 Logging and WEB Streaming unit (optional)
- Digital Audio Processor 4 band sand Stereo MPX encoder
- RDS encoder (optional)
- FM Tuner with RDS
- Rack ad accessoies
- Cables and connectors
LITE EXA - Turnkey Studio

The furniture is designed to host 2/3 operators (technician, speaker and guest) to work together.It includes the rack units 19” to fit all the necessary rackmount equipment, cable tray and mechanical accessories.The broadcast furniture grant perfect assembling and test of the system at AxelTech labs, to deliver a 100% working solution that can be quickly installed and turned on in less than 4 hours, following the attached instructions and schematics.
Radio Automation

DJPRO CLASSIC and Soundtrack Studio are Radio automation suites that provide broadcast tools for On Air and production.
FM Digital Audio Processor& RDS Encoder

FALCON 3i is a 4 band digital Audio Processor, Stereo Generator and RDS Encoder all in one, designed for FM, WEB and Satellite transmission.
24/7 Audio Logging& Web Streaming

Logging is the 24/7 non-stop audio recording of main program output, which today is extremely important for multiple purposes:Law obligations Customer advertisement certification (time stamp) Real time monitoring of radio programs Audio quality surveillanceStreaming over Internet Competitor surveillance
Digital Broadcast Console

The broadcast console Oxygen 3000 is a digital compact unit that combines all the modern functionality, mandatory for any On Air studio
System Integration & Services

The system is delivered to be easily installed and maintained also by not skilled technicians. AxelTech provides detailed system project, technical drawings and manual
On Air & Production Studios

On Air Studio Setup
Compare some of our standard setups and contact us to get your own configuration.Setups can be combine to design Radio Station with multiple studios. Each solution can be customize in every single detail and component.