Falcon D7

Broadcast Audio Processor for TV & HD Radio

Falcon D7 is an all-in-one equipment (Audio Processor, Loudness Control, Change Over) for TV, DAB, HD Radio, Sirius XM, Web applications thanks to the 20 kHz Processing architecture. Falcon D7 offers ease of use and high quality performances and generates a perfect sound. Falcon D7 the top of its category thanks to many features and functions often not available on much higher priced devices. Falcon D7 sounds great and enables you to set up your perfect sound identity by choosing the pre set that suits better with the style of your channel or by tailor making your own set.

  • l-in-one 5 Bands Audio Processor with Loudness Control and Change Over/Silence Detector.
  • 15/20 kHz processing allows Falcon to feed TV or digital audio broadcasting such as DAB, HD Radio, Sirius XM and Web Radio.
  • Fully customizable top class Audio processing tools with 5 bands compression control, adjustable Drive and Threshold, Dual AGC, 3 Bands Equalization (Low, Mid and High frequency), Stereo Enhancer, Voice Detector and Brightness Control. 
  • Mono Sound Phase Control gives a more natural and pleasant sound to the human voices. The final limiter enhances the sound presence
  • More than 240 Factory Presets + 20 User Presets allow to tailor at best your channel.
  • Loudness control: EBU R 128 (https://tech.ebu.ch/publications/r128) and ITU-R BS.1770-4 (https://www.itu.int/rec/R-REC-BS.1770) recommendations for digital and analogue audio outputs.
  • Fully configurable Audio Changeover/Silence Detector to switch over four out of the Analog, Digital, MPX, IP, AoIP, Dante™ (optional) and Built In Player inputs.
  • The hardware bypass circuit guarantees audio presence and programs continuity.
  • Full range of outputs: : one analog, two digital audio (over XLR connectors), two Optional Dante™ and one IP streams.
  • Falcon can integrate with existing infrastructure via Ethernet port, two RS-232 serial ports, two USB ports and six GPI ports with optical coupler and four relays. 
  • A LAN port and a built-in Web Server to control & configure the processor from any device and tune audio from anywhere also using the IP streams I/O.
  • Falcon Logs every second on the external microSD card the value/status of 8 out of 88 internal parameters for 1 year (at the end of the period oldest data will be overwritten). The user can choose the 8 parameters to be logged and can select a time lapse among the logging to export the data on a CSV file for any analysis.
  • Falcon processors are equipped with a universal 90-260 V AC power supply, working at 50 or 60 Hz, ready to be used in every country around the world. Thanks to the low power consumption (max 15 W) Falcon is also a green equipment.
  • Falcon 1 Rack Unit robust design is sustained by the extensive use of steel and aluminum. Falcon appliances are immune to strong electro-magnetic fields and are suitable to be installed in extreme climate environments.

Falcon audio processors integrate many extra though needful features for both the TV and the digital radio workflows. Falcon series equipment ensures top quality performances and high level audio. It features powerful DPSs, 5-bands architecture, dual bands AGCs, 3-bands equalizer, stereo enhancer, speech detector and 5 limiters. The comprehensive and accurate control of each audio parameter allows to perfectly shape the audio to broadcast unique and exceptional branded sound.


Extended Changeover/Silence Detector with configurable source priorities out of the following sources:

1xAnalog, 2xAES/EBU, 2xIP, 2x Dante™ (Optional), 1xInternal Player



1xAnalog, 2xAES/EBU, 1xIP, 2x Dante™ (Optional)


Suitable like a backup source or for test purpose. A Test Signal Generator is also available.


(Simple Network Management Protocol)

Allows data interchange and simplified configuration of third-party appliances connected in the same LAN using shared datasets MIB.


Internal microSD card whit OS for Disaster Recovery. Easily Upgradable via WEB or Windows application.


Can manage two audio streams like an input, can generate an output audio stream.


The whole system can be managed through a WEB page generated by the internal web Server. The main functions can be managed through the physical panel.

Advanced features


20 kHz processing allows to use it as processor for TV and digital audio broadcasting such as DAB Audio, HD Radio Audio, Sirius XM Audio, Web Radio Audio.


EBU R 128 and ITU-R BS.1770-4 Loudness Recommendations available for digital and analog radio processing chains compliant with every country loudness rules.


The Advanced Audio Changeover/Silence Detector can switch between any available input source: Analog, Digital, IP, Dante™, Internal Audio Player.


Processing delay is quite non audible, 10 to 30mS depending on the processing complexity.

Audio processing

Clarity of sound

Falcon processors high-quality hardware design and software algorithms produce a detailed, crystal-clear sound on any speaker system, always preserving original audio signature.

Voice processor

A dedicated processing section boosts presence of voice delivering a soft, silky sounding effect. Vocals are always on top of the mix making lyrics comfortably audible. Each instrument and vocalist gains dominium of its own space.

Extreme density

Falcon processors deliver full impact sound at the highest volume density preserving original audio detail, identity and mood. The dedicated ‘Bass Enhancer’ stage delivers a strong and effective ‘drum punch’ for a deep musical emotion.

Here are the (processing) tools to make it sound as you like:

AGC – Automatic Gain Control


  • AGC Enable
  • Cross Frequency
  • Filter Slope
  • Drive
  • Attack Time
  • Release
  • Gate Threshold
  • Release Acc. Hold
  • Release Acc. Coeff.
  • Work Zone Threshold
  • Work Zone Release
  • L/R Linkage
  • Bass vs Master Coupling
  • Idle Compression
  • Idle Speed
  • HP Filter


Stereo Enhancer

  • Mode, Band, Effect Limiter, Effect Drive, Effect Depth

Post-AGC Equalizer

  • Low Band 
  • Mid Band 
  • High Band
  • Low Pass Frequency
  • Center Frequency
  • High Pass Frequency
  • Low Pass Slope
  • Band Pass Width
  • High Pass Slope

Speech Detector

  • Mode
  • Action

Phase Rotator

  • Phase Rotator


Multiband Controls

  • Drive
  • Attack Time
  • Release
  • Gate Threshold
  • Release Acc. Hold
  • Release Acc. Coeff.
  • Idle Compression
  • Idle Speed
  • Band1 vs Band2 Coupling
  • Band2 vs Band3 Coupling
  • Band4 vs Band3 Coupling
  • Band5 vs Band4 Coupling


  • Threshold (for each of 5 bands)
  • Relative Attack (for each of 5 bands)

Compressor-Limiters Feedback

  • Feedback (for each of 5 bands)


  • Drive (for each of 5 bands)
  • Attack Time (for each of 5 bands)
  • Release (for each of 5 bands)
  • Hold (for each of 5 bands)

Downward Expander

  • Expansion (for each of 5 bands)
  • Expansion Threshold (for each of 5 bands)

Bands Mixer

  • Gain (for each of 5 bands)

Final Limiters

Limiters Setup

Bass Limiter

  • Bass Drive
  • Bass Attack
  • Bass Release
  • Bass Threshold
  • Super Bass Mode
  • Super Bass Gain
  • Lookahead Mode

Main Limiter

  • Mid. Freq Drive
  • Mid. Freq Attack
  • Mid. Freq Release
  • Mid. Freq Threshold
  • Mid-High Peaks SubDrive
  • Mid-High Peaks Attack
  • Mid-High Peaks Release
  • Mid-High Peaks Threshold

Bass/Main Limiter Setup

  • Bass Limiter Mix
  • Main Limiter Mix

Lookahead Final Limiter

  • Overdrive

Brilliance adjustment

  • Wide Band Process Brilliance Attenuation

MPX Bass Control

  • Mode
  • Drive
  • Clipping Threshold

MPX Limiter Deemphasis

  • Drive
  • Attack

MPX Limiter Emphasis

  • Drive
  • Attack

MPX Limiter Emphasis 2

  • Drive
  • Attack

MPX Limiter Global

  • Attack


Factory Presets

The right sound for your Radio or TV in a few clicks thanks to our Factory Presets.

In our Factory Presets there is all our expertise acquired in thirty years of experience, enriched by the advice of the most important experts in the sector.

HD Radio Applications

Falcon processors are populated with 8 Families of Factory Presets for FM & HD Radio, allowing sound engineer to rapidly find the desired sound. For each Family are available some Flavors.

All the Factory Presets are available in the 50 µsec and 75 µsec Pre-emphasis versions, some are available in a specific version for HD Radio.

For each Flavor, are available 4 additional versions:

  • +1: slightly emphasized
  • +2: moderately emphasized
  • EFX: as +2 with some Bass & Stereo enhancing
  • Voice: slightly reduced to highlight speech


Combining all of this, the Falcon gives you more than 240 presents, one of which is the right for you.


General Purpose (50 µsec, 75 µsec, HD)

The easiest and fastest way to go on the air. This preset is the best possible compromise between various musical genres, speech and advertising.


  • All Purpose
  • Classic Hits
  • Rockloud
  • General Purpose

Clean (50 µsec, 75 µsec, HD)

A clean preset for VOICE or music formats that requires a transparent processing with a good amount of AGC.


  • CHR Hot
  • Newstalk
  • Clean

Open (50 µsec, 75 µsec)

Open and clean with a touch of color and loudness.


  • Rock open
  • Open

Compressed (50 µsec, 75 µsec, HD)

For who search a compressed, loud and big sound.


  • RNB
  • Bass punch
  • Compressed

Loud (50 µsec, 75 µsec, HD)

Loud and open preset for a competitive sound.


  • CHR Loud 1
  • Loud

POP-Contemporary (50 µsec, 75 µsec)

Processed and loud preset for contemporary music.


  • AC Bright
  • CHR Bright
  • Electra V2
  • Gigawatt
  • POP Contemporary

Oldies-Generic (50 µsec, 75 µsec)

Loud, big and compressed preset with a good amount of auto equalization for oldies format radios.


  • Oldies
  • Oldies Generic

Oldies 70-80 (50 µsec, 75 µsec)

Like Oldies Generic but with more gentle processing and a different approach to oldies music processing.


  • Loud 80s
  • Oldies 70-80


TV Applications

Falcon processors are populated with a Factory Presets for TV as well, specifically designed for modern TV sets & Sound Bars, available in some Flavors:

  • Generic
  • Film
  • Music
  • News
  • Quiet 

For each Flavor, are available 2 additional versions:

  • +1: slightly emphasized
  • +2: moderately emphasized


Signal Routing and Changeover

The new Falcon processor includes a technologically advanced Audio Changeover/Silence Detector able to switch between any available source: Analog, Digital, IP, AoIP…In case of missing audio from any external sources, the processor can play the playlist stored in the microSD.


An embedded Test Signals Generator allows to output an audio signal suitable for testing the equipment or the whole audio system.

I/O Connections

Falcon Audio Processor new series features a complete set of input and outputs connections. Analog and AES/EBU digital audio connections are standard with hardware bypass: Analog Input > Analog Output | Digital1 Input > Digital1 Output | Digital2 Input > Digital2 Output 


Three USB ports (one on the front, one on the rear panel and one installed on the internal circuit board), are available.

microSD allows to clone the whole setup from one Falcon to another one.


Dante connection, available as an option, allows to manage AoIP Dante™ or AE67 signals: 2 Stereo inputs and 2 Stereo outputs.


Front Panel

Falcon D7 features a wide Color TFT Technology display (480×128) that shows the input and output processing, including the corrections for each band featured from the compressor, the limiters and the multiband AGC.

Obviously, it also shows the input and output of all signal levels.

Moreover trough the display it’s possible to check the system status: operating parameters, GPI/O port status, etc..


A TRS (stereo Jack 6,3 mm) connector allows monitoring both original and processed signal, checking in the faster way the differences between the available presets.

Communications & Alarms

Falcon audio processors can exchange information with other equipment through some communication ports: One LAN/WAN port, two RS-232 serial ports, two USB ports, one GPIO port with optical coupler and relays.

Information will be sent (status, alarms) or received (commands). A panel with 40 LEDs and the LCD display show status information.

Alarm messages can be sent via GPO, SNMP (Trap), and http.

Web Server

Users can manage Falcon equipment via LAN, no need to install any client software. The internal Web Server can be managed with any browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera…). The GUI on the web page is clear, easy to use and responsive, suitable to be managed from any device: Personal Computers, tablets, smartphones.

SNMP (v 2.0c) programming protocol allows to manage the whole command set. Falcon firmware also implements HTTP, FTP, SNMP, SMTP, UDP, TCP and is PV4 – IPV6 addressing compliant. RDS services need a precise synchronization: the system tries to connect to a primary NTP, backup NTP and to an external GPS receiver (not supplied).

Moreover, connecting an external GPS allows to geo-localize the Falcon. The WEB server supplies a page with a map that shows the appliance position. Standard Ethernet interface can manage up to 4 independent TCP ports, up to 4 separate UDP ports and 1 SNMP port. Obviously, it also shows the input and output of all signal levels

Dante Audio-Over-IP Connectivity

Dante™ option (also supporting AES67 and SMPTE ST 2110-30 transport protocols) provides an Ethernet connection for 2 Stereo Input and 2 Stereo Output, with independent and dedicated Level Control and Sample Rate Conversion.

Analog Input - AUDIO
Number of Inputs1 Stereo
Connectors:2 XLR, female - Electronically balanced – EMI Suppression
A/D Conversion:24bit Sigma-Delta Conversion (Crystal CS4272)
AD Clipping Point+24.0 dBu
Operative Nominal LevelFrom –12.0dBu to +13.0dBu (0.1dBu Step) Software adjustable
Line Impedance10 kΩ (Electronically balanced selectable)
DistortionLess than 0.01% TDH+NOISE (0.0 dBu 1Khz)
AD Dynamic Range108 dB RMS (110 dB A weighted)
Input ModesStereo, Mono (Left), Mono (Right), Mono (Left+Right)
CMRR input>60 dB (20 Hz to 20 kHz)
FM Frequency range5 Hz-15 kHz (+/- 0,5dB when processing is disabled)
DAB Frequency range5 Hz-20 kHz (+/- 0,5dB when processing is disabled)

Digital Input – AUDIO
Inputs Number2 (1st for audio, 2nd for audio or Digital MPX)
ConnectorsXLR, female – Electronically balanced– EMI Suppression
Input impedance110 Ω
Sample rate32 kHz / 44.1 kHz / 48 kHz /96 kHz / 192 kHz with src and jitter attenuation
Operative Nominal levelFrom 0.0 dBFs to -25.0 dBFs (0.1 dBu step) Software adjustable
Dynamic Range125 dB (Typical), 122 dB (Minimal)
Distortion Less than 0.01% TDH+NOISE (0.0 dBu 1Khz)
Input ModesStereo, Mono (Left), Mono (Right), Mono (Left+Right)
Conversion dynamic range124 dB (32 KHz) | 126 dB (44,1 kHz) | 126 dB (48 kHz) 122 dB (96 kHz)
Conversion resolution24 bits
FM Frequency range2 Hz-15 kHz (+/- 0,025dB when processing is disabled)
DAB Frequency range2 Hz-20 kHz (+/- 0,025dB when processing is disabled)

Analog Output AUDIO
Output Number1
Connectors2 XLR, female - Electronically balanced – EMI Suppression
D/A Conversion24 bit Sigma-Delta Conversion (Crystal CS4272)
Output Level-6.0 dBu to +20.0 dBu (0.1 dBu Step)
Output Level Max.+ 24,0 dBu
Output Impedance10 Ω
Load Impedance600 Ω or greater
THD + NoiseLess than 0.01% (0.0dBu @ 1 kHz)
Signal to noise Ratio>80 dB unweight - 100% Mod. 20 Hz–15 KHz
L/R CrossTalk< –70 dB, 20 Hz–15 KHz
Pre-emphasis50 µsec, 75 µsec
FM Frequency range5 Hz-15 kHz (+/- 0,5dB when processing is disabled)
DAB Frequency range5 Hz-20 kHz (+/- 0,5dB when processing is disabled)

Digital Output AUDIO
Outputs Number2 (1st for audio, 2nd for audio or Digital MPX)
ConnectorsBalanced on 1 XLR – EMI Suppression
Output impedance110 Ω
Sample rates32 kHz / 44.1 kHz / 48 kHz / 96 kHz / 192 kHz Software selectable
Resolution24 bit
Operative Nominal levelFrom 0.0 dBFs to -30dBFs (0.1 dBu step)
Dynamic Range125 dB (Typ), 122 dB (Min)
DistortionLess than 0.01% TDH+NOISE (0.0 dBu 1 Khz)
Pre-emphasis50 µsec, 75 µsec
FM Frequency range2 Hz-15 kHz (+/- 0,025 dB when processing is disabled)
DAB Frequency range2 Hz-20 kHz (+/- 0,025 dB when processing is disabled)

Physical supportUSB Flash Drive, microSD CARD (max 64GB)
Audio file formatMP3, WAV
Sample Rate32 | 44,1 | 48 | 64 | 96 kHz

Connection with radio automation: SoftwareYes
Network connectivity4 TCP ports / 4 UDP / 1 SNMP
Configuration softwareWeb Server, FTP
Password protectionYes
ASCII ProtocolConfiguration messages
REST CommandYes
Alert notifications on user-defined events via SNMP trapsYes
Embedded SNMP agent permitting: active management tasksYes
Supported Network ProtocolsHTTP, SNTP, UDP, TCP, NTP, FTP
UECP ProtocolEBU SPB490 Ver. 7.05
PI CalculatorYes
RDS 2.0 ReadyYes

System Features
Remote interface GPIn 6x GP In optocoupled
Remote interface GPOut 4x Relays – dry contacts
Remote interface connectorDB 25 female connector - EMI suppressed
Remote interface GPIO Voltage and CurrentDC 5V Source and Sink 10 mA
Communication Port2 x RS232, 3 x USB, 1 x LAN
Serial Interfaces1st RS232 on DB9 female connector - EMI suppressed
2nd RS232 on DB25 female connector - EMI suppressed
Firmware can be upgraded in the fieldYes
Front-panel Colour TFT DisplayNo (Falcon X6) / Yes (Falcon X5, X7, D7 and Fox 3)
Data may be entered on-site with Front-panel ButtonsNo (Falcon X6) / Yes (Falcon X5, X7, D7 and Fox 3)
Front Panel LEDs40

Dimensions485 x 44 x 240 mm (1 rack unit)
AC Rate Voltage230Vac / 110Vac +/- 10% - 30VA – Connector IEC 3-Wire detachable
AC Frequency50 Hz / 60 Hz +/- 4%
Power factor0,9
Processing architectureFully digital, based on DSP 24bit/250Mhz.
5 band Signal processing
Weight3,5 Kg
Operating temperature-5°C / +50°C up to 95% non condensing
Max AltitudeUp to 3000 meters above marine level
Safety StandardCE
RFIThe equippment has been designed to work in strong RF Fields and it is provided with Standard RFI filters. Necessary RFI filters are standard and same are provided.
GroundingOne more earth terminal are provided in the body to connect audio ground

Input & Output

  • 3 microphone inputs
  • 4 stereo analogue inputs
  • 4 stereo analogue outputs
  • 1 built-in telephone hybrid,
  • 1+4 telco interface with GPIO
  • Bluetooth audio interface (optional)
  • 1 digital Out (AES/EBU)
  • 2 USB audio interfaces (disabled with Dante option installed)
  • 8 stereo inputs + 8 stereo outputs via Dante (optional)


  • Fully Digital Broadcast Console for Radio Broadcasting with 6 faders
  • A/B Fast source switch buttons for each fader
  • 4+1 busses (PGM, SUB, Aux1, Aux2, PFL)
  • Near 0 latency (< 0,7 ms I/O)
  • Digital Signals Routing via the 48×48 internal matrix
  • Complete Remote Control by means of an application replicating the surface
  • Remote configuration and maintenance via Web Interface
  • User-definable Presets & Snapshot
  • 5 bands fully parametric Equalizer on every input
  • Dynamic Processor with expander and compressor section on each microphone inputs
  • Advanced and configurable Monitor Facilities for Control Room and Studio
  • Customizable RGB colored buttons
  • High Resolution (120 leds) meter bars for outputs
  • HDMI Out for console status display
  • 2 Timers (Ctrl-Room and Studio microphones timers on HDMI Monitor)
  • TalkBox for guest and presenter (optional)


  • Oxygen 1000
  • Oxygen 1000 – Bluetooth
  • Oxygen 1000 – Dante
  • Oxygen 1000 – Dante – Bluetooth


    • Talk Box
    • RJ45 adapters for:

o Mic with GPIO
o Line In
o Line Out with GPIO
o Telco with GPIO

Microphone Inputs

  • 3 Microphone Inputs
  • Mic 1 on XLR, Mic 2 & 3 on RJ45: 2-3, all balanced with + 48V Phantom and GPIO
  • Independent ON AIR Lights and Cut Off control, when opening Control Room and Studio microphones
  • PFL button switches to private conversation on Hybrid/Telco/Bluetooth mode
  • Enable TalkBack feature on any Studio or Control Room microphone
  • Parametric Compressors/Expander (drive, threshold, attack time, release time) for MICROPHONE and MONO inputs
  • Save and recall microphone presets including Compressor/Expander settings
  • Phase inversion on microphone inputs
  • MONO inputs assignable as EXT source
  • Ducking / AutoFader assignable to all sources (automatic attenuation of music on speech)

Analogue inputs

  • Line Stereo Inputs: 4
  • Balanced on XLR for Line 1, Balanced on RJ45 for Line 2-4
  • Channel mode selection: STEREO, MONO, L, R, INV-L, INV-R, INV
  • Stereo-1 & DANTE-1 inputs can be configured as 4 Telco Inputs

USB audio I/O

  • 2 Built-in stereo USB (Type-B) I/O Audio Interfaces allow to directly connect the PC to the Oxygen 1000 console, with no need for audio cards
  • In facts the PC detects each of the console USB as a digital audio card with 1 stereo inputs and 1 stereo outputs for simultaneous playout and recording

Telephone hybrid and Telco

  • Telephone Hybrid: 1 POTS/PSTN telephone line with Line.In and Tel.Set connection
  • Telco: 1 in/out N-1 to connect external telephone hybrid with control via TLC/GPIO
  • 4 mono additional Telco can be obtained configuring Analog Inputs (Stereo-1 & DANTE-1) and (OUT-2 & DANTE-1) stereo outputs.
  • GPI and GPO management on all 5 Telco channels
  • RING and HOOK on F1 key for each TELCO channels
  • N-1 on Telco outputs for all BUS (PGM, SUB, AUX-1, and AUX-2)

Analogue outputs

  • 4 Balanced Outputs:
    • OUT-1 – XLR – Fixed as PGM
    • OUT-2 – XLR – by default assigned as SUB
    • OUT-3 – RJ45 – by default assigned as AUX-1
    • OUT-4 – RJ45 – by default assigned as AUX-2
  • OUT-2 stereo output can be configured as N-1 to achieve up to 2 mono additional Telco
  • OUT-1 & OUT-2 outputs are both equipped with a GPO

Digital output

  • 1 AES/EBU output on XLR

Headphones and local monitor outputs

  • OUT-2-4 outputs: can be configured as Studio Presenter and Studio Guest Headphones
  • Unbalanced outputs: 2 Line out on Jack 6.3 for Control Room Headphones
  • Adjustable maximum Control Room and Studio speakers volume (Studio Speaker only via SW)
  • Adjustable maximum Control Room and Studio headphones volume (Studio Headphones only via SW)
  • Adjustable CUT or Attenuation mode (-40, -30, -20, -10 dB) on Control Room and Studio speakers
  • Independent source selection (PGM, SUB, AUX1, AUX2, EXT) for control room and studio speakers, control room and studio headphones with or without PFL
  • Independent Talk Back management on Control Room and Studio speakers
  • Independent Talk Back management on Control Room, Studio headphones
  • Same source selection for Control Room and Studio headphones, with independent level


  • GPI: 9 in total, for Talk back, Telephone Hybrid or other features
  • GPO: 9 total, to control OnAir lamps or provide HOOK and RING commands for external telephone Hybrid
  • User custom GPIs (e.g. Ring, Talkback, channel ON/OFF, etc.)
  • User custom GPOs (e.g. Hook/ONAIR, Studio-Light, Control Room-Light)

Surface & Management

  • Automatic firmware update via Internet
  • WEB UI for Console configuration and service features (Save, restore, update, logs, etc.)
  • Save and recall EQ presets (up to 10)
  • New real-time EQ algorithm with graphic
  • Fast and accurate Led Meters display
  • Save and recall control panel configuration with 10 Snapshots
  • Save and recall total console configuration. The configuration can be saved to internal memory (microSD), USB and PC (via WEB interface)
  • Gain adjustment knobs with adaptive speed
  • Dimmable buttons light
  • Adjustable fader ON/OFF threshold (from -50 dB to 0 dB)

Telephone Hybrid and Telco

The built-in telephone hybrid allows direct connection of a telephone line POTS/PSTN on RJ-11C. The audio is processed via DSP that delivers a state-of-the-art audio processing. It’s also available a Telco N-1 in/out, to connect Oxygen 1000 to an external telephone hybrid. The Telco N-1 is always available on RJ45. TLC commands are available on the same RJ45 with Hook and Ring interface.

TLC commands for Telco-2-5 are available and configurable on GPIO-DB9 connector with Hook and Ring.

HDMI output

The HDMI output allows to connect a HD display monitor to the console, suitable to be used in two flavors:

    • Monitor, that displays the following information:
        • Audio input source levels
        • 4+1 BUS output levels
        • A/B source names assigned of 10 channels
        • Display On-Air sources
        • Microphone On timer (control room & studio)
        • Large Clock
        • Audio output level (Loudspeakers & Headphones)
        • On-Air microphone
        • Telephone active
      • Configure, for configuring all of the device features.
        • HDMI output combined with 4 rotary knobs allow the fast and intuitive programming of all the mixer parameters.
        • The programming GUI has been designed in order to be very easy and intuitive.
        • Selectable home page layouts are available, with many theme icons.

HDMI output can be personalized with the customer logo. Selectable display layouts are available.


Oxygen 1000 can be equipped with a Bluetooth module. This allows airing the calls made via GSM, Skype, Viber and WhatsApp with a Smartphone, a Tablet or a PC. Oxygen 1000 has two Bluetooth connection modes: bidirectional to support phone calls; monodirectional to put on air high quality stereo audio (A2DP) streamed by Bluetooth sources.

With Bluetooth calls, PFL enables PRIVATE conversation mode.

Bluetooth interface is installed at the factory and must be requested at ordering stage.

Talk Box

It is a device dedicated to the presenter and guests. Talk Box is very simple to connect to the On Air Console: its take 2 RJ45 cables of the length that is needed to connect it to the mixer. It is possible to connect up to 2 Talk Boxes to the Oxygen 1000. The Talk Box offers a direct connection of the microphone and relative On-Air light, it is also possible to directly connect the studio’s On-Air Light. The Talk Box has a headphone amplifier with two 6.3mm outputs. Through the two large backlit buttons it is possible to activate and deactivate your own microphone (On / Off / Cough) or enable Talk back to the console.

Dante AoIP Interface

Oxygen 1000 can be equipped with a Dante (compliant with AES67) interface which provides 8 Stereo Input and 8 Stereo Output on a dedicated Ethernet port, with independent Level Control and Sample Rate Conversion.
On Oxygen 1000 Dante versions the USB I/O ports are disabled.
Dante AoIP interface is installed at the factory and must be requested at ordering stage.

Cable Adapters

RJ45 adapters are available for:
o Mic with GPIO
o Line In
o Line Out with GPIO
o Telco with GPIO

Analog Balanced Microphone Inputs
ConnectorRJ45 & XLR Balanced – EMI Suppressed
Input Impedance2,4 KΩ
Nominal Input Level (sensitivity)-9/-66 dBu
Max Input Level (clipping point)+9 dBu
A/D conversion24 bit / 48 Khz
Signal To Noise Ratio (referred to peak level)>90 dB
Analog GainAdjustable +0 ÷ +57 dB (3dB step)
Phantom Power+48V

Analog Balanced Stereo Inputs
ConnectorXLR & RJ45 Balanced – EMI Suppressed
Input Impedance10 KΩ
Nominal Input Level (sensitivity)0 dBu
Max Input Level (clipping point)+18 dBu
A/D conversion24 bit / 48 Khz
Frequency response+/-0,5 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Signal To Noise Ratio (referred to peak level)>100 dB
Stereo Separation (referred to peak level)>90 dB
THD+N<0,002 %

Analog Balanced Telco Input
ConnectorRJ45 Balanced – EMI Suppressed
Input Impedance10 KΩ
Nominal Input Level (sensitivity)0 dBu
Max Input Level (clipping point)+18 dBu
A/D conversion24 bit / 48 Khz
Signal To Noise Ratio (referred to peak level)>100 dB

PSTN Interface
Transhybrid loss>20 dB

Analog Balanced Stereo Outputs
ConnectorRJ45 Balanced – EMI Suppressed
Output Impedance23 Ω, nominal 600 Ω
Nominal Output Level0 dBu
Max Output Level (clipping point)+18 dBu
D/A conversion24 bit / 48 Khz
Signal To Noise Ratio (referred to peak level)>100 dB
Stereo Separation (referred to peak level)>90 dB
THD+N<0,002 %

USB Audio Digital I/O
ConnectorUSB Type B – EMI Suppressed
Playback And Recording Sample RateSRC 44.1-48 KHz
Resolution16 bit
Available Stereo Channels1 Play & 1 Rec for each USB interface

Digital Output
ConnectorBalanced on 1 XLR – EMI Suppressed
Input Impedance110 Ω
Audio Sample Rate48 KHz
Resolution24 bit
Dynamic Range (Converter Values)124 dB

Analog Balanced Telco Output
ConnectorRJ45 Balanced – EMI Suppressed
Output Impedance23 Ω, nominal 600 Ω
Nominal Output Level0 dBu
Max Output Level (clipping point)+18 dBu
D/A conversion24 bit / 48 Khz
Signal To Noise Ratio (referred to peak level)>100 dB
THD+N<0,002 %

Audio CoreAnalog Devices ADAU1452 32bit 294 MHz fixed point DSP
Audio CODECsCirrus CS42448 24 bit/192 kHz
System CoreAllwinner A20 dual core cortex-A7 at 800MHz, 1GB RAM
LAN ConnectionRJ45 - 100Mbit
Nominal Delay (analog input to analog output)0,7 ms
GPIO Inputs/Outputs4 GPI/4 GPO on DB9; 4 GPI/2 GPO on Mic2 & Mic3 RJ45; 2 GPO on Out3 & Out4 RJ45; 1 GPI/1 GPO on Telco RJ45
Communication Port2xUSB type-A, 2xUSB type-B , 1xLAN, 1xHDMI
Operating Temperature0°C ÷ 40°C

Power Supply90-260 VAC / 47-63 Hz / 30 W

Dimensions (W; H; D)344mm; 80mm; 343mm
Weight< 5Kg