Wolf 1MS & Wolf 2MSFM Radio Monitoring

Everything under control

Wolf 2MS and 1MS are state-of-the-art FM Radio Monitoring devices, designed to control the signal presence and quality over an FM Distribution Network.Onboard twin tuners allow to accurately scan frequencies, they offer high performances in FM reception, MPX audio encoding and RDS data streaming. This cutting-edge equipment features three main operating modes: continuously reception, bandscan and smart bandscan.With FM static mode the user can focus on a single channel, selected and monitored exclusively. Thanks to the scan mode up to 32 channels for each tuner can be scanned and supervised in a single analysis. FM static mode also receives up to 64 memories. Wolf 1MS and 2MS allow to manage accurately RF, MPX, RDS, Audio and RDS data dynamic services. In smart mode the channel scan time is adjusted automatically according to instantaneous measurements requirements.Wolf 1MS and 2MS are the ideal Probes for a Network Management System.All data and information captured during the FM Monitoring can be collected by a Control Room and used to analyse the FM Network performances in real-time or in the past.


For simple configurations that do not require NMS software, Wolf can send via email a daily report of the 24 hours events. Wolf provides a database sheet to manage these information. The two built-in audio streamers are the essential feature of Wolf 2MS (Wolf 1 MS has 1 built in audio streamer). Audio channels can be streamed to a remote logging system that records both, audio and data, coming from the transmitter site. It is also possible to send audio stream to a remote player for audio-on-demand purposes. Users can listen to each single FM tuner and streamed audio anywhere, using all Internet browsers.Two onboard network interfaces provide maximum flexibility in streaming and connectivity processes. From PCs, tablets and smartphones broadcasters can completely control Wolf and have full access to all data and alarms. When an alarm is trigged, NMS system sends notifications via SMS or email or takes an action to manage any possible issue.External input sources are available: analog Left + Right and digital AES/EBU inputs. Users can connect audio to the controlled external input sources. These audio inputs are constantly monitored: silence detection, and audio presence. Tests, performed also by end users, have shown that Wolf circuits are extremely safe and completely free from any kind of radiofrequency interference.

Wolf 1MS

FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf MS1 AxelTech

Wolf 2MS

FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf 2MS AxelTech
FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf 2MS AxelTech


FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf 2MS AxelTech


  • Real time measurements for FM networks, fully digital
  • Wolf 1 MS: single FM Tuner and single audio over-IP streaming for monitoring
  • Wolf 2MS: double FM tuner and double audio over-IP streaming for monitoring
  • More than 30 alarms for any frequency received (Wolf 2MS 64. Wolf 1 MS 32)
  • Fully independent time, Thr, Hysteresis, for any frequency parameter
  • Configurable bandscan for each FM tuner
  • Embedded web server for worldwide consultation
  • Analysis modulers: RF, MPX, audio and RDS
  • RDS decoder with group sequence decoding for each tuner
  • SNMP and HTTP web interface and FTP supported
  • Double ethernet ports and double USB interfaces
  • Front LCD display
  • Front panel headphone output
  • Analog auxiliary input and AES/EBU
  • Main Supply 90--260Vac 50/60Hz. 25W
  • Graphic display
  • Form factor: 1RU 19” - Inox steel
  • High immunity to strong RF fields, designed to be installed in high power TX sites
  • Fully programmable by a simple and intuitive Web GUI interface
  • Headphones output with level control
FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf AxelTech

Monitoring Parameters

  • RF parameters:
  • RF level, Carrier offset, Multipath, Adjacent carriers level (+/- 100kHz), Alternative carriers level (+/- 200kHz)
  • Deviation parameters
  • MPX level, Audio level, Pilot level and RDS level
  • Audio parameters
  • Inbalance L/R, Mono, Peak left, Peak right, RMS left, RMS right, MPX power
  • RDS parameters
  • PI, PS, BLER, CT, TP, TA, M/S, DI, PIN & PTY (Day/Hour/Min/PTY), FILTERS, GROUPS, RT, AF, EON, IF, TMC (AID/Group/Data), RT+(AID/Group/Data), ODA-1(AID/Group/Data), ODA-2(AID/Group/Data), LA, EG, ILS, LSN, SLC0-SCL7
  • 64 list of 25 frequencies always decoded
  • 10 EON for each frequency received with PI, PS, PIN (date, hour, minute) PTY, TP, TA, LA EG, ILS, LSN, AF
  • Received groups stats 0A-15A, 0B-15B
  • RDS Stream with groups filters with download function

Communications & Management

  • Ethernet/USB/RS232/GPIO connections
  • SNMP V2c
  • NTP Address for Time and Date synchronization
  • 1 RS232 for RDS UECP data streaming
  • 4 GPI and 4 Relay (DB 15p F HD)
  • 2 USB A-Type
  • HTTP, FTP, SNMP, SMTP, UDP, TCP support
  • Alarms via: TRAP (SNMP), email(SMTP), GPO, HTTP
  • uSD Card for clone function, for maintenance and easy replace of a faulty unit
  • Import and export configurations function
  • Logs 24/7 with export functions
  • Right access management
  • Easy configuration page setup with info connection diagrams
  • Multi-user contemporary acces

Inputs & Outputs Audio

  • Balanced analog input on XLR
  • Balanced analog output on XLR
  • Balanced digital AESEBU input on XLR
  • Balanced digital AESEBU output on XLR

Alarms & Parameters

  • Silence detector on analog input
  • Silence detector on digital input
  • 4 alarm on RF level with 4 Thr (RFL2, RFL1, RFH1, RFH2).
  • Deviation level (Thr, Hysteresis, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • Pilot low level (Thr, Hysteresis, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • Pilot window (Thr Min, Thr Max, Hysteresis, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS low level (Thr, Hysteresis, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS window (Thr Min, Thr Max, Hysteresis, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • Audio deviation silence (Silence Thr, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • Audio left deviation silence (Silence Thr, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • Audio right deviation silence (Silence Thr, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • Audio mono level (Thr, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • Audio stereo in-balance level (Avg, Thr, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-PI (PI-1, PI-2, PI-3, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-PS (PS-1, PS-2, PS-3, PS-4, Wild Char, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-TP (Ref, Validation Time and Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-TA (MaxOnTimeout, NoVarTimeout, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-CT (Timeout, Max Offset, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-RT (Timeout, Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-AF (Validation Time, Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-EON (Validation Time, Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-IH (Data Timeout, Group Timeout, Hold Timeout, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-TMC (Reg. Timeout, Data Timeout, Hold Timeout, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-RT+ (Reg. Timeout, Data Timeout, Hold Timeout, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-ODA-1 (AID, Reg. Timeout, Data Timeout, Hold Timeout, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-ODA-2 (AID, Reg. Timeout, Data Timeout, Hold Timeout, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-BLER (Max, Hysteresis, Validation Time, Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS-GROUPS (Group mask, Timeout, Validation Time, Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
  • RDS Filters (Block-1 Mask Ref., Block-2 Mask Ref., Block-3 Mask Ref., Block-4 Mask Ref., Timeout, Validation Time, Hold Time, Mask, Label, Email and Trap enable)
FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf AxelTech

Block Diagram

FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf AxelTech
FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf AxelTech

Wolf 1MS and Wolf 2MS are FM monitoring systems designed for FM Off Air signal monitoring purpose. Wolf 1MS is provided with one high quality FM tuner, while Wolf 2MS allows the broadcaster to receive up to two frequencies thanks to an internal double tuner. Tuners are independent and they can operate in three ways: Continuous reception, Bandscan and SmartScan.Internal tuner ensures high performances in FM reception, RF and MPX audio analysis and RDS data stream output. The monitoring made on FM channels can be a basic RF analysis or an advanced RF, MPX and AUDIO measurement.

  • Continuous reception: a single carrier is selected and monitored;
  • Bandscan mode: 32 FM Channels can be scanned and monitored in Wolf 1MS and 64 FM Channels can be scanned and monitored in Wolf 2MS. The bandscan time is also user definable, in a range from 1 second up to 10 seconds for each channel;
  • SmartScan mode allows a smart and variable scan time that is adjusted automatically to fit the instantaneous measurement requirements. Thanks to this feature it is possible to avoid false-positive rising errors.

Special Features

During continuous reception mode, each single tuner checks and completely decodes the multiplexed signal: Mono level, Pilot level, Audio and RDS levels are measured and they are always under control. All datas, captured during FM Channel monitoring, can be sent to a Network Management System (such as AxelTech’s Ranger) or they can be shown in a common password protected web page. Communication between Wolf and Ranger NMS is SNMP v2C protocol. For all single parameters under monitoring, a threshold can be set. If one or more values go out of range, alarms are delivered.

FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf AxelTech

Once the RF signal is received, audio should be streamed from the transmitter site back to a remote logging system. The streamer input allows to do an internal selection between all inputs available: Tuners, External Analog In, External AES/EBU In.Wolf 1MS and Wolf 2MS are completed with an “External Input” source: analog Left + Right input and Digital Left + Right in AES/EBU format. This audio input is continuously monitored: silence detection (Threshold/time and level), left and right presence, peak left, peak right. Rear-panel audio output always presents the audio decoded from Tuner-1 or Tuner-2 and this setting is user definable, while audio is available on analog or AES/EBU format.

Wolf 1MS and Wolf 2MS provide a large variety of connection: double Ethernet port, USB and front panel headphone output, 4x GPIn opto coupled and 4x GPOut over relays. Rs232 serial port for RDS-UECP bridging and rebroadcasting purposes, and rear panel placed SD card to store or recall the complete equipment configuration.RF antenna inputs are over BNC connectors, a XLR balanced stereo analog input and output, AES/EBU input and output. OS and datas are loaded and stored over solid state memory as SD and flash RAM. Universal switching power supply, 1 rack unit space in fan-less configuration, allows to operate worldwide.


FieldType of measureDescriptionU.M.
RF4x RF Level lower thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMPdBµV
2x Adjacent channel L1 thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
Alternative channel - WorseMeasuredBr
Carrier precisionMeasureppm
Multi pathMeasure%
MPXDeviation maxMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMPkHz/dBr
2x Pilot lower level - 2 threshold levelMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
MPX power – ITU-R BS.412Measure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
RDS LevelRDS level lower thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
RDS level higher thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
AudioPeak left - Peak right thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMPdBr
RMS left - RMS right thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
Audio imbalance – L/R delta thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
Mono silence – L+R thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
Audio MPX deviation thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMPkHz
Audio MPX Silence detection thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
Audio left – Right silence det. thresholdMeasure, alarm via email/trap SNMP
RDS DataAF - Complete decoding + Visualization
PS – 4 PS matching reference
PI – 3 PI Code matching reference
CT – Time offset
DI – Decoder information
PTY – Program type
TP/TA – timeout TA
M/S – Music speech
BLER – Block error rate
TMC – AID – Group – Data
EON Enhance other channel
RT – RT+ data decoding
ODA - 1 ODA - 2
SLC0 - SLC1 - SLC2 - SLC3 - SLC4 - SLC5 - SLC6 - SLC7
RDS Data decoding group, visualization and storage. Alarm generation in case of error, can be shown in a common web page or delivered via email.

Interfacing with up to 4 NMS allows equipment to deliver traps using SNMP protocol.

Technical Specifications

Main Power100 Vac - 240 Vac 50/60 Hz internal, universal power supply
Power consumption25 W
Power connectorIEC plug filter with internal fuse 2.0 AT
HeadphonesStereo Jack 6.3 mm
Safety and EMCCompliant to CE laws
Working temperature0° to 50° C (storage -5 to + 50 °C)
Housing dimensions19 inch x 1u x 240 mm (depth)
Weight3.5 kg
Tuner frequency87.5 MHz ‐ 108.0 MHz
Tuner step10 kHz
RF tuning stability+/- 500 Hz
RF input sensitivity20 to 120 dBµV
RF input nominal level80 to 100 dBµV
RF inputs main2x BNC, with 50 Ohm unbalanced
Max frequency deviation125 kHz
IF filter bandwidth34 kHz to 138 kHz – Manual or automatic
Input RF level30 dBµV – 120 dBµV with internal attenuator
Bandscan carrier number32 channels
Bandscan timeStatic Mode, Scan 2s to 20s and Smart Mode*
Selectivity at ± 120 kHz> -3 dB
Selectivity at ± 200 kHz> -40 dB
Selectivity at ± 300 kHz>- 50 dB
Selectivity at ± 400 kHz>-65 dB
Image rejection @ 22.5 kHz70 dB
Adjacent channel rejection63 - 65 dB
Alternate channel rejection65 - 72 dB
THD @ dev=75 kHz0.05 – 0.1 %
Mono (S+N)/N75 dB typ – 68 dB min (No A-Weighting 30 Hz – 15 kHz)
Stereo (S+N)/N
61 dB Stereo/61 dB mono @ 40 dBµV
65 dB Stereo @ 50 dBµV
80 dB Stereo @ 70 dBµV
Pilot 19kHz suppression55 dB (Stereo modulation L = 1, R = 0,Deviation=67.5 kHz, Pilot deviation=6.75 kHz)
Stereo THD + NMeasures @ 70 dBuV with 75 kHz deviation
100 Hz - 0.055 %
1 kHz - 0.061 %
5 kHz - 0.19 %
10 kHz - 0.46 %
Stereo separation45 dB (Stereo modulation L = 1, R = 0,Deviation=67.5 kHz, Pilot deviation=6.75 kHz)

48 dB @ 400 Hz
48 dB @ 1 kHz
48 dB @ 5 kHz
38 dB @ 10 kHz
38 dB @ 14.7 kHz
RDS sensitivity20 dBµV (dev f = 2 kHz, RDS BLER < 5%)
RDS synchronization time80 ms (dev f = 2 kHz RF input = 60 dBµV)
RDS PI lock time100 ms (dev f = 2 kHz RF input = 60 dBµV)
RDS data decoding and streamingRDS level indication and deviation (voltage, kHz and dBr)
RDS data decoding servicesPS, PI, M/S, DI, TP, TA, AF, AF List Presence A/B Method, Scrolling PS, AF EON, Radio Text, Radio Text Plus, CT, PTY, PIN, IH, TMC, EWS, TDC. ODA generic services. RDS error detection with three shold adjustable
RF MEASUREMENT MODULERanges – Resolution - Precision
RF Level0 – 80 dBµV (resolution 1 dBµV, precision 2 dBµV)
82 – 120 dBµV (resolution 2 dBµV, precision 5 dBµV)
Deviation0-125 kHz (resolution 1 kHz, precision 2 kHz)
Tuned carrier frequency offset0-250 ppm (resolution 2 ppm, precision 5 ppm)
Multipath0-100 %
Adjacent channel RF level0 – 80 dBµV (resolution 1 dBµV, precision 2 dBµV) (+-200kHz)
MPX MEASUREMENT MODULERanges - Resolution - Precision
Pilot level0-20 kHz (resolution 0.1 kHz, precision 0.2 kHz)
Rds level0-20 kHz (resolution 0.1 kHz, precision 0.2 kHz)
Mpx power ITU-R-BS412 (Estimated)-20 dBr to + 12 dBr (resolution 0.1 dBr, precision 0.5 dBr)
StereoValid Stereo signal detector
AUDIO MEASUREMENT MODULERanges – Resolution – Precision
Left Quasi PeakProgrammable attack time from 0 mS to 2 mS (Resolution 0.1 dB)
Right quasi peakProgrammable attack time from 0 mS to 2 mS (resolution 0.1 dB)
Audio silenceThreshold - 80 dB to 0 dB, Time: 1-120 Sec
Unbalanced stereo signalThreshold - 80 dB to 0 dB, Time: 1-120 Sec
Available output on XLRTuner - 1 or Tuner - 2, definable via web page. Same audio on analog and AES/EBU
Audio frequency response30 Hz - 15 kHz, ± 0,3 dB
Phones (Front panel)Stereo jack 6.3 mm, 150 Ohm, 0.8 W
D/A Conversion24bit Sigma - Delta conversion - 32 kHz Sample rate
Connectors2x XLR, male - Electronically balanced
Output level-12.0 dBu to +14.0 dBu (0.1 dBu Step) - Max (+20 dBu)
Impedance Source47 Ω
Load impedance600 Ω or greater
DistortionLess than 0.02% TDH + Noise (0.0dBu @ 1Khz)
Dynamic range108 dB (110 dB A-weighted, 20Hz - 15kHz)
SourcesStreamer1_Source , Streamer2_Source
Connectors:XLR, Male - Electronically balanced
Sample rates32 kHz
Resolution24 bits
Operative nominal level:From 0.0 dBFs to - 24dBFs (0.1 dBu step)
Dynamic range:125 dB (Typ), 122 dB (Min)
Distortionless than 0.01% TDH+NOISE (-20dBFs @ 1Khz)
Freq. response20Hz -15kHz
Dynamic range108 dB
SourcesStreamer1_Source , Streamer2_Source
Encoder streaming input sourceUser selectable between Tuner-1, Tuner-2, External Input Analog, External Input AES/EBU
Connectors:XLR, female – Electronically balanced
Sample rates32 kHz/44.1 kHz/48 kHz/96 kHz with src and jitter correction
Operative nominal level:From 0.0 dBFs to - 24dBFs (0.1 dBu step)
Dynamic range:125 dB (Typ)
Distortionless than 0.01% TDH + Noise (-20dBFs@ 1Khz)
Input modes:Stereo, Mono (Left), Mono (Right), Mono (Left + Right)
A/D conversion24bit Sigma - Delta conversion - 32kHz sample rate
Connectors:XLR, female - Electronically balanced
AD clipping point+20.0dBu
Operative nominal level:From - 12.0dBu to +12.0dBu (0.1dBu Step)
Line impedance10 kΩ (Electronically balanced selectable) EMI - suppressed
Distortion:less than 0.02% TDH+NOISE (0.0dBu @ 1kHz)
AD dynamic range:108 dB RMS (110 dB A - weighted, 20Hz - 15kHz)
Input modes:Stereo, Mono (Left), Mono (Right), Mono (Left + Right)
ProtocolsUDP/RTP, TCP/IP, IceCast2
EncodersOGG - VORBIS
InterfaceEthernet port 10/100 Mb/s
BitrateUser select 24 kbps to 192 kbps
Sample rates32Ksamples/sec
RDS streamingProprietary redundant protocol over UDP or RAW-TCP/IP
AdministrationUser right management


FM distribution Network Control & Monitoring Wolf AxelTech

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